View Javadoc
1   package com.srv4pos.server.api.activation;
3   import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.EmptyConnectionWriter;
4   import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.HttpMethod;
5   import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.StringConnectionWriter;
6   import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.credentials.Credentials;
7   import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.exceptions.enums.ForbiddenErrorType;
8   import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.exceptions.enums.InconsistentDataErrorType;
9   import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.exceptions.enums.UnprocessableEntityErrorType;
10  import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.http.HttpHelper;
11  import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.http.Transport;
13  import;
14  import java.util.Collection;
15  import java.util.Date;
16  import java.util.HashMap;
17  import java.util.Map;
18  import java.util.Set;
20  import static com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.request.RequestHelper.requestString;
22  /**
23   * This service is responsible for activating registartions.
24   * <p>User: Kirill, Date: 01.10.13 11:21</p>.
25   */
26  public class ActivationService {
28      private URL url;
29      private Credentials credentials;
30      private Transport transport;
32      /**
33       * Constructs the service.
34       *
35       * @param url         of the server
36       * @param credentials to work with the server
37       * @param transport   to know the method to reach the server
38       */
39      public ActivationService(URL url, Credentials credentials, Transport transport) {
40          this.url = url;
41          this.credentials = credentials;
42          this.transport = transport;
43      }
45      /**
46       * Checks that cash register name is unique for particular seller.
47       *
48       * @param cashRegisterNameExistsInfo see javadoc of members of this type for more info
49       * @return true if exists
50       */
51      public boolean cashRegisterNameExists(CashRegisterNameExistsInfo cashRegisterNameExistsInfo) {
52          return CashRegisterNameExistsResultInfo.fromJsonToCashRegisterNameExistsResultInfo(
53                  requestString(
54                          "noauth/activations/cash-register-name/existance",
55                          HttpMethod.POST,
56                          url,
57                          null,
58                          null,
59                          null,
60                          new StringConnectionWriter(cashRegisterNameExistsInfo.toJson()),
61                          HttpHelper.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON,
62                          transport).getContent()).isExists();
63      }
65      /**
66       * This method requires credentials and returns {@link ActivationCodeInfo} for provided credentials.
67       * It must be authenticated by credentials initialized by {@link Credentials#(String, String, String, String)}
68       *
69       * @param credentials to authenticate to pass activationSecurityToken as {@link Credentials#(String, String, String, String)}
70       * @return {@link ActivationDescriptorInfo}, it's signature and it's version (to correctly check digital signature)
71       * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.ForbiddenJsonException see:
72       *                                                                  {@link ForbiddenErrorType#ACTIVATION_STILL_ISSUED},
73       *                                                                  {@link ForbiddenErrorType#WRONG_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD}
74       */
75      public ActivationCodeInfo getActivationCode(Credentials credentials) {
76          return ActivationCodeInfo.fromJsonToActivationCodeInfo(
77                  requestString(
78                          "activations/activation-code",
79                          HttpMethod.POST,
80                          url,
81                          credentials.toAuthentication(),
82                          null,
83                          null,
84                          EmptyConnectionWriter.EMPTY_CONNECTION_WRITER,
85                          HttpHelper.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON,
86                          transport).getContent());
87      }
89      /**
90       * Creates an activation.
91       *
92       * @param activationConnectInfo information about Activation connection needed
93       * @return the ActivationConnectReplyInfo
94       * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.ReferenceNotFoundJsonException   if Activation not found by code
95       * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.InconsistentDataJsonException    see:
96       *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#ACTIVATION_CODE_WRONG_LENGTH},
97       *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#PRODUCTION_NUMBER_AND_CONNECTION_MISMATCH},
98       *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#PRODUCTION_NUMBER_AND_DEVICE_ID_MISMATCH}
99       * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.UnprocessableEntityJsonException see:
100      *                                                                            {@link UnprocessableEntityErrorType#APPLICATION_PACKAGES_MISMATCH}
101      */
102     public ActivationSecurityInfo connect(ActivationConnectInfo activationConnectInfo) {
103         return ActivationSecurityInfo.fromJsonToActivationSecurityInfo(requestString(
104                 "/activations/connection",
105                 HttpMethod.POST,
106                 url,
107                 null,
108                 null,
109                 null,
110                 new StringConnectionWriter(activationConnectInfo.toJson()),
111                 HttpHelper.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON,
112                 transport).getContent());
113     }
115     /**
116      * Returns list of activations with tokens and descriptor info. It's needed for replication activations from a cloud server to a local server.
117      *
118      * @return list of entities
119      */
120     public Collection<FullActivationAdvancedInfo> listFull() {
121         return FullActivationAdvancedInfo.fromJsonArrayToFullActivationAdvancedInfoes(requestString(
122                 "/activations-full",
123                 HttpMethod.GET,
124                 url,
125                 credentials.toAuthentication(),
126                 null,
127                 new HashMap<String, String>(),
128                 EmptyConnectionWriter.EMPTY_CONNECTION_WRITER,
129                 HttpHelper.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON,
130                 transport).getContent());
131     }
133     /**
134      * Creates activation.
135      * Seller and/or installation will be created, if it's needed.
136      *
137      * @param activationCreationInfo information about activation
138      * @return ActivationSecurity - entity contains unique secure random identifier which represents activation ordered, production number and activation id.
139      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.ReferenceNotFoundJsonException   if installation, application package or control unit are not found
140      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.NonUniqueJsonException           if cash register name is not unique within a seller
141      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.InconsistentDataJsonException    see:
142      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#ACTIVATION_CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS},
143      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#VALID_FROM_AND_VALID_TO_INCONSISTENCY},
144      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#SV_MISMATCH_IN_APP_DESC_AND_CU}
145      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#REGISTRATION_EXISTS_FOR_SELLER_AND_INSTALLATION}
146      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#ACTIVATION_APPLICATION_PACKAGE_MUST_BE_NULL_OR_EQUAL}
147      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#ACTIVATION_PRODUCTION_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_NULL}
148      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#ACTIVATION_PRODUCTION_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_NULL_OR_EQUAL}
149      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.UnprocessableEntityJsonException see:
150      *                                                                            {@link UnprocessableEntityErrorType#CU_LOCATION_MUST_BE_SET}
151      *                                                                            {@link UnprocessableEntityErrorType#CU_IS_MISSING_FOR_ACTIVATION}
152      *                                                                            {@link UnprocessableEntityErrorType#PRODUCTION_NUMBER_IS_OUT_OF_DATE}
153      */
154     public ActivationSecurityInfo create(ActivationCreationInfo activationCreationInfo) {
155         final String content = requestString(
156                 "/activations-advanced",
157                 HttpMethod.POST,
158                 url,
159                 credentials != null ? credentials.toAuthentication() : null,
160                 null,
161                 null,
162                 new StringConnectionWriter(activationCreationInfo.toJson()),
163                 HttpHelper.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON,
164                 transport).getContent();
165         return ActivationSecurityInfo.fromJsonToActivationSecurityInfo(content);
166     }
168     /**
169      * If current application does not have Activation the app uses this method to request (order) new one.
170      * Seller and/or installation will be created, if it's needed.
171      *
172      * @param country                where seller is located
173      * @param corporateId            of the seller
174      * @param cashRegisterName       the name for the cash register
175      * @param applicationPackage     identifies the application description
176      * @param features               the features
177      * @param validFrom              the start date for activation interval
178      * @param validTo                the end date for activation interval
179      * @param contactInfo            contact information, can be null
180      * @param comment                the comment for the activation, can be null
181      * @param controlUnitSerial      the control unit serial, can be null
182      * @param controlUnitLocation    the control unit location, can be null
183      * @param controlUnitGeolocation the control unit geolocation, can be null
184      * @param deviceId               id of device
185      * @param buildInfo              information about android build
186      * @param gcmRegistrationId      the gcm registration id, can be null
187      * @return ActivationSecurity - entity contains unique secure random identifier which represents activation ordered, production number and activation id.
188      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.ReferenceNotFoundJsonException   if application package or control unit are not found
189      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.NonUniqueJsonException           if cash register name is not unique within a seller
190      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.InconsistentDataJsonException    see:
191      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#VALID_FROM_AND_VALID_TO_INCONSISTENCY},
192      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#REGISTRATION_EXISTS_FOR_SELLER_AND_INSTALLATION}
193      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#SV_MISMATCH_IN_APP_DESC_AND_CU}
194      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.UnprocessableEntityJsonException see:
195      *                                                                            {@link UnprocessableEntityErrorType#CU_LOCATION_MUST_BE_SET}
196      *                                                                            {@link UnprocessableEntityErrorType#CU_IS_MISSING_FOR_ACTIVATION}
197      */
198     //CHECKSTYLE:OFF:ParameterNumber
199     public ActivationSecurityInfo claim(String country, String corporateId, String cashRegisterName, String applicationPackage,
200                                         Set<Feature> features, Date validFrom, Date validTo, ContactInfo contactInfo, String comment,
201                                         String controlUnitSerial, ControlUnitLocation controlUnitLocation, GeolocationInfo controlUnitGeolocation,
202                                         String deviceId, Map<String, String> buildInfo, String gcmRegistrationId) {
203         //CHECKSTYLE:ON:ParameterNumber
204         ActivationCreationInfo activationCreationInfo =
205                 newActivationCreationInfo(country, corporateId, cashRegisterName, applicationPackage, features, validFrom, validTo, contactInfo,
206                         comment, controlUnitSerial, controlUnitLocation, controlUnitGeolocation, deviceId, buildInfo, gcmRegistrationId, controlUnitGeolocation);
208         return create(activationCreationInfo);
209     }
211     /**
212      * If current application does not have Activation, the app uses this method to request (order) new one.
213      * Seller and/or installation will be created, if it's needed.
214      *
215      * @param country            where seller is located
216      * @param corporateId        of the seller
217      * @param cashRegisterName   the name for the cash register
218      * @param applicationPackage identifies the application description
219      * @param features           the features
220      * @param validFrom          the start date for activation interval
221      * @param validTo            the end date for activation interval
222      * @param contactInfo        contact information, can be null
223      * @param comment            the comment for the activation, can be null
224      * @param deviceId           id of device
225      * @param buildInfo          information about android build
226      * @return ActivationSecurity - entity contains unique secure random identifier which represents activation ordered, production number and activation id.
227      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.ReferenceNotFoundJsonException   if application package is not found
228      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.NonUniqueJsonException           if cash register name is not unique within a seller
229      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.InconsistentDataJsonException see:
230      *                                                                         {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#VALID_FROM_AND_VALID_TO_INCONSISTENCY},
231      *                                                                         {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#REGISTRATION_EXISTS_FOR_SELLER_AND_INSTALLATION}
232      */
233     public ActivationSecurityInfo claim(String country, String corporateId, String cashRegisterName, String applicationPackage,
234                                         Set<Feature> features, Date validFrom, Date validTo, ContactInfo contactInfo, String comment,
235                                         String deviceId, Map<String, String> buildInfo) {
236         return claim(country, corporateId, cashRegisterName, applicationPackage, features, validFrom, validTo, contactInfo, comment, null, null,
237                 null, deviceId, buildInfo, null);
238     }
240     /**
241      * Prolongation for the activation, which is identified by country, corporateId, cashRegisterName.
242      *
243      * @param country                where seller is located
244      * @param corporateId            of the seller
245      * @param cashRegisterName       the name for the cash register
246      * @param features               the features
247      * @param validFrom              the start date for activation interval
248      * @param validTo                the end date for activation interval
249      * @param contactInfo            contact information, can be null
250      * @param comment                the comment for the activation, can be null
251      * @param controlUnitSerial      the control unit serial, can be null
252      * @param controlUnitLocation    the control unit location, can be null
253      * @param controlUnitGeolocation the control unit geolocation, can be null
254      * @return ActivationSecurity - entity contains unique secure random identifier which represents activation ordered, production number and activation id.
255      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.ReferenceNotFoundJsonException   if installation or control unit are not found
256      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.NonUniqueJsonException           if cash register name is not unique within a seller
257      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.InconsistentDataJsonException    see:
258      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#VALID_FROM_AND_VALID_TO_INCONSISTENCY},
259      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#SV_MISMATCH_IN_APP_DESC_AND_CU}
260      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.UnprocessableEntityJsonException see:
261      *                                                                            {@link UnprocessableEntityErrorType#CU_LOCATION_MUST_BE_SET}
262      *                                                                            {@link UnprocessableEntityErrorType#CU_IS_MISSING_FOR_ACTIVATION}
263      *                                                                            {@link UnprocessableEntityErrorType#PRODUCTION_NUMBER_IS_OUT_OF_DATE}
264      */
265     public ActivationSecurityInfo up(String country, String corporateId, String cashRegisterName,
266                                      Set<Feature> features, Date validFrom, Date validTo, ContactInfo contactInfo, String comment,
267                                      String controlUnitSerial, ControlUnitLocation controlUnitLocation, GeolocationInfo controlUnitGeolocation) {
268         ActivationCreationInfo activationCreationInfo = new ActivationCreationInfo();
270         activationCreationInfo.setCorporateId(corporateId);
271         activationCreationInfo.setCountry(country);
272         activationCreationInfo.setCashRegisterName(cashRegisterName);
273         activationCreationInfo.setComment(comment);
274         activationCreationInfo.setContactInfo(contactInfo);
275         activationCreationInfo.setControlUnitGeolocation(controlUnitGeolocation);
276         activationCreationInfo.setControlUnitLocation(controlUnitLocation);
277         activationCreationInfo.setControlUnitSerial(controlUnitSerial);
278         activationCreationInfo.setFeatures(features);
279         activationCreationInfo.setValidFrom(validFrom);
280         activationCreationInfo.setValidTo(validTo);
281         activationCreationInfo.setRegistrationGeolocation(controlUnitGeolocation);
283         return create(activationCreationInfo);
284     }
286     /**
287      * Prolongation for the activation, which is identified by country, corporateId, cashRegisterName.
288      *
289      * @param country          where seller is located
290      * @param corporateId      of the seller
291      * @param cashRegisterName the name for the cash register
292      * @param features         the features
293      * @param validFrom        the start date for activation interval
294      * @param validTo          the end date for activation interval
295      * @param contactInfo      contact information, can be null
296      * @param comment          the comment for the activation, can be null
297      * @return ActivationSecurity - entity contains unique secure random identifier which represents activation ordered, production number and activation id.
298      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.ReferenceNotFoundJsonException   if installation is not found
299      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.NonUniqueJsonException           if cash register name is not unique within a seller
300      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.InconsistentDataJsonException    see:
301      *                                                                            {@link InconsistentDataErrorType#VALID_FROM_AND_VALID_TO_INCONSISTENCY},
302      * @throws com.srv4pos.server.api.exceptions.UnprocessableEntityJsonException see:
303      *                                                                            {@link UnprocessableEntityErrorType#PRODUCTION_NUMBER_IS_OUT_OF_DATE}
304      */
305     public ActivationSecurityInfo up(String country, String corporateId, String cashRegisterName,
306                                      Set<Feature> features, Date validFrom, Date validTo, ContactInfo contactInfo, String comment) {
307         return up(country, corporateId, cashRegisterName, features, validFrom, validTo, contactInfo, comment, null, null, null);
308     }
310     public static ActivationCreationInfo newActivationCreationInfo(String country, String corporateId, String cashRegisterName,
311                                                                    String applicationPackage, Set<Feature> features, Date validFrom, Date validTo,
312                                                                    ContactInfo contactInfo, String comment, String controlUnitSerial,
313                                                                    ControlUnitLocation controlUnitLocation, GeolocationInfo controlUnitGeolocation,
314                                                                    String deviceId,
315                                                                    Map<String, String> buildInfo, String gcmRegistrationId,
316                                                                    GeolocationInfo registrationLocation) {
317         return newActivationCreationInfo(country, corporateId, cashRegisterName,
318                 applicationPackage, features, validFrom, validTo,
319                 contactInfo, comment, controlUnitSerial, controlUnitLocation, controlUnitGeolocation,
320                 deviceId,
321                 buildInfo, gcmRegistrationId,
322                 registrationLocation, null);
323     }
326     public static ActivationCreationInfo newActivationCreationInfo(String country, String corporateId, String cashRegisterName,
327                                                                    String applicationPackage, Set<Feature> features, Date validFrom, Date validTo,
328                                                                    ContactInfo contactInfo, String comment, String controlUnitSerial,
329                                                                    ControlUnitLocation controlUnitLocation, GeolocationInfo controlUnitGeolocation,
330                                                                    String deviceId,
331                                                                    Map<String, String> buildInfo, String gcmRegistrationId,
332                                                                    GeolocationInfo registrationLocation, String programVersion) {
333         ActivationCreationInfo activationCreationInfo = new ActivationCreationInfo();
335         if (deviceId != null) {
336             InstallationCreationInfo installationCreationInfo = new InstallationCreationInfo();
337             installationCreationInfo.setDeviceId(deviceId);
338             installationCreationInfo.setBuildInfo(buildInfo);
339             installationCreationInfo.setGcmRegistrationId(gcmRegistrationId);
340             installationCreationInfo.setProgramVersion(programVersion);
342             activationCreationInfo.setInstallationCreationInfo(installationCreationInfo);
343         }
345         activationCreationInfo.setCorporateId(corporateId);
346         activationCreationInfo.setCountry(country);
347         activationCreationInfo.setApplicationPackage(applicationPackage);
348         activationCreationInfo.setCashRegisterName(cashRegisterName);
349         activationCreationInfo.setComment(comment);
350         activationCreationInfo.setContactInfo(contactInfo);
351         activationCreationInfo.setControlUnitGeolocation(controlUnitGeolocation);
352         activationCreationInfo.setControlUnitLocation(controlUnitLocation);
353         activationCreationInfo.setControlUnitSerial(controlUnitSerial);
354         activationCreationInfo.setFeatures(features);
355         activationCreationInfo.setValidFrom(validFrom);
356         activationCreationInfo.setValidTo(validTo);
357         activationCreationInfo.setRegistrationGeolocation(registrationLocation);
358         return activationCreationInfo;
359     }
360 }