View Javadoc
1   package com.srv4pos.server.api.activation;
3   import org.springframework.roo.addon.javabean.RooJavaBean;
4   import org.springframework.roo.addon.json.RooJson;
5   import org.springframework.roo.addon.tostring.RooToString;
6   import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.Info;
8   import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
9   import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
11  /**
12   * Return activation information {@link #apiKey}.
13   * <p>User: Kirill, Date: 05.08.13 17:59</p>
14   */
15  @RooJavaBean
16  @RooToString
17  @RooJson(deepSerialize = true)
18  public class ActivationSecurityInfo implements Info {
19      /**
20       * Securely randomly generated number, represents the order.
21       * It has to be passed to the server to get an activation based on the order made.
22       */
23      @NotNull
24      private String apiKey;
26      /**
27       * <p>ProductionNumber - serial number uniquely identifies instance of the Installation. It represents production number of cash register according
28       * to Swedish regulations. It has format "{softwareId}{number}". It must be unique number through the entire world</p>
29       * <p>According to swedish regulation, the definition is: Each cash register must have a production number. Production number is a globally unique
30       * serial number on physical cash registers. Production number has to be unique for each cash register from one vendor and should also indicate vendor
31       * as a part of the field.</p>
32       */
33      @NotNull
34      @Size(max = 25)
35      private String productionNumber;
37      /**
38       * Activation id. It's debug information.
39       */
40      @NotNull
41      private Long activationId;
44      @Size(max = 96)
45      private String address;
47      @Size(max = 12)
48      private String zip;
50      @Size(max = 50)
51      private String city;
53      @Size(max = 50)
54      private String phone;
55  }