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1   package com.srv4pos.server.api.activation;
3   /**
4    * <p>User: Kirill, Date: 27.09.13 12:53</p>.
5    */
6   public enum ActivationStatus {
7       /**
8        * The order was issued by the customer but not yet paid which means Activation can
9        * not provide {@link com.srv4pos.server.api.activation.ActivationCodeInfo}.
10       */
11      ISSUED,
13      /**
14       * The order has been paid by the customer, so we can provide an Activation code to him.
15       */
16      ACTIVE,
18      /**
19       * Activation has been downloaded, so it can be treated as it was used. We can't delete it because we assume it's out of the server.
20       */
21      WORKING,
23      /**
24       * Activation has been closed, because another activation of this seller is used now.
25       */
26      CLOSED
27  }