View Javadoc
1   package com.srv4pos.server.api.activation;
3   import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.Constraints;
4   import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.Info;
5   import org.springframework.roo.addon.javabean.RooJavaBean;
6   import org.springframework.roo.addon.json.RooJson;
7   import org.springframework.roo.addon.tostring.RooToString;
9   import javax.validation.Valid;
10  import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
11  import javax.validation.constraints.Pattern;
12  import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
13  import java.util.Date;
14  import java.util.HashSet;
16  /**
17   * If current application does not have Activation the app uses this method to request (order) new one.
18   * <br/>
19   * Seller for the activation is identified by country and corporateId.
20   * <br/>
21   * Installation:
22   * <ul>
23   * <li>can be found as via registration (seller and cash register name); production number should be null or equal, application package should be null or equal</li>
24   * <li>can be found as via production number; application package should be null or equal</li>
25   * <li>can be null, if activation's application is ThinKassan; production number should be null</li>
26   * <li>can be null, if installation will be connected to this activation via connectionCode later</li>
27   * </ul>
28   * <br/>
29   * Registration will be found or created by seller and installation.
30   */
31  @RooJavaBean
32  @RooToString
33  @RooJson(deepSerialize = true)
34  public class ActivationCreationInfo implements Info {
35      /**
36       * Country where seller with given {@link #corporateId} is registered.
37       */
38      @NotNull
39      @Size(max = 2, min = 2)
40      private String country;
42      @NotNull
43      @Size(min = 1, max = 96)
44      @Pattern(regexp = Constraints.WINDOWS_FILENAME_REGEX)
45      private String corporateId;
47      /**
48       * Described in swedish regulations as "cash register designation". See <a href="">Terms</a> for more info.
49       */
50      @NotNull
51      @Pattern(regexp = Constraints.CASH_REGISTER_NAME_REGEX)
52      private String cashRegisterName;
54      /**
55       * When activation starts being active.
56       */
57      private Date validFrom;
59      /**
60       * When activation ends being active.
61       */
62      private Date validTo;
64      /**
65       * List of features.
66       * Set of features, see {@link Feature} for more info.
67       */
68      @NotNull
69      private java.util.Set<Feature> features = new HashSet<Feature>();
71      /**
72       * Any information which user would like to tell to sales at srv4pos.
73       */
74      @Size(max = 1024)
75      private String comment;
77      /**
78       * Information about person who orders an activation. So sales team can contact him with invoice.
79       */
80      @Valid
81      private ContactInfo contactInfo;
83      /**
84       * Serial number of control unit.
85       * It is null if {@link #controlUnitLocation} == {@link ControlUnitLocation#REMOTE} or application doesn't support control units
86       */
87      @Size(max = 20, min = 1)
88      private String controlUnitSerial;
90      /**
91       * Where control unit is connected and how.
92       */
93      private ControlUnitLocation controlUnitLocation = ControlUnitLocation.REMOTE;
95      /**
96       * Where device (with control unit) is located. This information is sent to taxation authority
97       * This field is set when customer makes an order and {@link ActivationDetailsInfo#controlUnitLocation} == {@link ControlUnitLocation#DEVICE}.
98       * If this field is set and sales person makes an activation, he must check it's validity because it's content will be copied to controlUnit geolocation
99       * and will be applied for all the sellers connected to this control unit.
100      */
101     @Valid
102     private GeolocationInfo controlUnitGeolocation;
104     /**
105      * Where cash register is located. This information is sent to taxation authority.
106      */
107     @Valid
108     private GeolocationInfo registrationGeolocation;
110     /**
111      * A unique identifier of the software, but not it's version. For instance for Android it
112      * can be <a href="">getPackageName()</a>
113      */
114     @Size(min = 1, max = 64)
115     private String applicationPackage;
118     /**
119      * <p>May be null. See <a href="">spec</a> for more info about
120      * nullability of this field.</p>
121      * <p>ProductionNumber - serial number uniquely identifies instance of the Installation. It represents production number of cash register according
122      * to Swedish regulations. It has format "MK556{number}" where MK is mobilkassan, 556 is the beginning of the Produkt Poolen corporate ID,
123      * {number} - unique number within entire world</p>
124      * <p>According to swedish regulation, the definition is: Each cash register must have a production number. Production number is a globally unique
125      * serial number on physical cash registers. Production number has to be unique for each cash register from one vendor and should also indicate vendor
126      * as a part of the field.</p>
127      */
128     @Size(max = 25)
129     private String productionNumber;
131     /**
132      * At which device this activation should work.
133      */
134     @Valid
135     private InstallationCreationInfo installationCreationInfo;
137     /**
138      * You can create an activation without installation.
139      * This activation can be connected to a created installation, which is created after, via connection code.
140      */
141     @Size(min = 4, max = 9)
142     private String connectionCode;
143 }