View Javadoc
1   package com.srv4pos.server.api.activation;
3   import com.srv4pos.server.api.infrastructure.Info;
4   import org.springframework.roo.addon.javabean.RooJavaBean;
5   import org.springframework.roo.addon.json.RooJson;
6   import org.springframework.roo.addon.tostring.RooToString;
8   import javax.validation.Valid;
9   import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
10  import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
11  import java.util.Date;
12  import java.util.HashSet;
14  /**
15   * Represents server-side entity available.
16   * <p>User: Kirill, Date: 05.08.13 17:59</p>
17   */
18  @RooJavaBean
19  @RooToString
20  @RooJson(deepSerialize = true)
21  public class ActivationInfo implements Info {
22      private Long id;
24      /**
25       * This field is set by activation server internal logic every time we do an action with the activation,
26       * so it's read-only field, any input will be ignored.
27       */
28      @NotNull
29      private ActivationStatus status = ActivationStatus.ISSUED;
31      /**
32       * It's read-only field.
33       */
34      private Date issued;
36      /**
37       * This field is set by customer when ordering.
38       */
39      private ControlUnitLocation controlUnitLocation = ControlUnitLocation.REMOTE;
41      /**
42       * This field is set a) when customer makes an order and suggest the date he wish; b) when sales person approves an activation he is able to change it.
43       */
44      @NotNull
45      private Date validFrom;
47      /**
48       * This field is set a) when customer makes an order and suggest the date he wish; b) when sales person approves an activation he is able to change it.
49       */
50      @NotNull
51      private Date validTo;
53      /**
54       * This field is set when customer makes an order:
55       * <ul>
56       * <li>control unit is not required by the application, then this field is null</li>
57       * <li>If {@link ActivationDetailsInfo#controlUnitLocation} == {@link ControlUnitLocation#REMOTE}, then one of the connected control units will be
58       * selected automatically</li>
59       * <li>If {@link ActivationDetailsInfo#controlUnitLocation} == {@link ControlUnitLocation#DEVICE}, then
60       * <ul>
61       * <li>control unit will be selected by {@link com.srv4pos.server.api.activation.ActivationDetailsInfo#controlUnitSerialNumber}</li>
62       * <li>or null if customer wants to order a new one</li>
63       * </ul>
64       * </li>
65       * </ul>.
66       * This field can be changed by sales person when he activates an activation.
67       */
68      @Size(max = 20, min = 1)
69      private String controlUnitSerial;
71      /**
72       * Where device (with control unit) is located. This information is sent to taxation authority
73       * This field is set when customer makes an order and {@link ActivationDetailsInfo#controlUnitLocation} == {@link ControlUnitLocation#DEVICE}.
74       * If this field is set and sales person makes an activation, he must check it's validity because it's content will be copied to controlUnit.geolocation
75       * and will be applied for all the sellers connected to this control unit.
76       */
77      @Valid
78      private GeolocationInfo controlUnitGeolocation;
80      /**
81       * This field is set when customer to tell sales person his contact data.
82       */
83      @Valid
84      private ContactInfo contact;
86      /**
87       * This field is set when customer makes an order to send a custom message to sales person. For instance "I've broken my device with already
88       * activated license. Please reactivate this new device for free".
89       */
90      @Size(max = 1024)
91      private String comment;
93      /**
94       * Set of features, see {@link Feature} for more info.
95       */
96      @NotNull
97      private java.util.Set<Feature> features = new HashSet<Feature>();
98  }