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1   package com.srv4pos.server.api.posplus;
3   import org.springframework.roo.addon.javabean.RooJavaBean;
4   import org.springframework.roo.addon.json.RooJson;
5   import org.springframework.roo.addon.tostring.RooToString;
7   import java.util.Date;
8   import java.util.Map;
10  /**
11   * Represents information about pos plus control unit.
12   * <p>User: Kirill, Date: 22.02.14 12:15</p>
13   */
14  @RooJavaBean
15  @RooToString
16  @RooJson(deepSerialize = true)
17  public class KdInfo {
18      private long brutto;
20      /**
21       * The key - tax value. The value - the sum. E.g. 20.12 SEK splitted between 12.05 SEK for VAT 6% and 10.07 SEK for VAT 12%
22       * will do {'6': 1205, '12': 1007}
23       */
24      private Map<Integer, Long> vatRateToSum;
25      private boolean refund;
26      private PrintType printType;
28      /**
29       * Autoincrement receipt number within one POS terminal.
30       */
31      private int receiptNumber;
32      private Date date;
33  }