View Javadoc
1   package com.srv4pos.server.api.keyboardentry;
3   /**
4    * <p>User: Sergey, Date: 30.03.14 12:23</p>.
5    */
7   /**
8    *  Custom UI controls that can be used for kreating keyboard
9    *  <li>{@link #Product}</li>
10   *  <li>{@link #SaleItemsView}</li>
11   *  <li>{@link #POSSaleItemsView}</li>
12   *  <li>{@link #Camera}</li>
13   *  <li>{@link #InitiateReturn}</li>
14   *  <li>{@link #InitSaleCash}</li>
15   *  <li>{@link #InitSaleCard}</li>
16   *  <li>{@link #InitSaleTerminal}</li>
17   *  <li>{@link #InitSaleSEQR}</li>
18   *  <li>{@link #InitSaleIZettle}</li>
19   *  <li>{@link #InitSaleSwish}</li>
20   *  <li>{@link #InitSaleWyWallet}</li>
21   *  <li>{@link #InitSalePayex}</li>
22   *  <li>{@link #InitSaleClosePayment}</li>
23   *  <li>{@link #SplitTheBill}</li>
24   *  <li>{@link #Download}</li>
25   *  <li>{@link #SubKeyboard}</li>
26   *  <li>{@link #Numeric1}</li>
27   *  <li>{@link #Numeric2}</li>
28   *  <li>{@link #Numeric3}</li>
29   *  <li>{@link #Numeric4}</li>
30   *  <li>{@link #Numeric5}</li>
31   *  <li>{@link #Numeric6}</li>
32   *  <li>{@link #Numeric7}</li>
33   *  <li>{@link #Numeric8}</li>
34   *  <li>{@link #Numeric9}</li>
35   *  <li>{@link #Numeric0}</li>
36   *  <li>{@link #Numeric00}</li>
37   *  <li>{@link #CurrencyUnit}</li>
38   *  <li>{@link #ProductUnit}</li>
39   *  <li>{@link #NumericReset}</li>
40   *  <li>{@link #NumericDot}</li>
41   *  <li>{@link #NumericBackspace}</li>
42   *  <li>{@link #NumericIndicator}</li>
43   *  <li>{@link #PercentDiscount}</li>
44   *  <li>{@link #CurrencyDiscount}</li>
45   *  <li>{@link #SendOrder}</li>
46   *  <li>{@link #GetOrders}</li>
47   *  <li>{@link #SubtotalIndicator}</li>
48   *  <li>{@link #ProductsSearchView}</li>
49   *  <li>{@link #GroupsProductsViewHorizontal}</li>
50   *  <li>{@link #GroupsProductsViewVertical}</li>
51   *  <li>{@link #GroupsProductsTextView}</li>
52   *  <li>{@link #GridTablesView}</li>
53   *  <li>{@link #NetworkIndicator}</li>
54   *  <li>{@link #PrintProforma}</li>
55   *  <li>{@link #DIBSPayment}</li>
56   *  <li>{@link #CancelReceipt}</li>
57   *  <li>{@link #NewReceipt}</li>
58   *  <li>{@link #ListStartedReceipts}</li>
59   *  <li>{@link #ListStartedPrecepts}</li>
60   *  <li>{@link #PrintCopyReceipt}</li>
61   *  <li>{@link #PointPayment}</li>
62   *  <li>{@link #InitFastSaleCash}</li>
63   *  <li>{@link #InitFastSaleCard}</li>
64   *  <li>{@link #InitFastSaleAirpay}</li>
65   *  <li>{@link #HougeScanner}</li>
66   *  <li>{@link #SetTable}</li>
67   *  <li>{@link #PreceptsViewVertical}</li>
68   *  <li>{@link #PreceptsViewHorizontal}</li>
69   */
70  public enum KeyAction {
71      /**
72       * Button. Shortcut for fast adding appropriate product to the order.
73       */
74      Product,
75      /**
76       * List. Shows list of products added to the order. Mainly used for showing products in generated receipt
77       */
78      SaleItemsView,
79      /**
80       * List. Shows list of products added to the order. Clicking on row shows discount dialog. Mainly used for showing products in order on the keyboard
81       */
82      POSSaleItemsView,
83      /**
84       * View. Camera-based barcode scanner. Displays small viewfinder window to facilitate statement of the product in front of the camera.
85       */
86      Camera,
87      /**
88       * Button. Initiate refund
89       */
90      InitiateReturn,
91      /**
92       * Payment button. Initiate payment with cash
93       */
94      InitSaleCash,
95      /**
96       * Payment button. Initiate payment with bank card, see section
97       */
98      InitSaleCard,
99      /**
100      * Payment button. Initiate payment with AirPay or Castle terminal
101      */
102     InitSaleTerminal,
103     /**
104      * Payment button. Initiate payment with SEQR (electronic payments system)
105      */
106     InitSaleSEQR,
107     /**
108      * Payment button. Initiate payment with iZettle
109      */
110     InitSaleIZettle,
111     /**
112      * Payment button. Initiate payment with Swish
113      */
114     InitSaleSwish,
115     /**
116      * Payment button. Initiate payment with WyWallet
117      */
118     InitSaleWyWallet,
119     /**
120      * Payment button. Initiate payment with PayEx
121      */
122     InitSalePayex,
123     /**
124      * Payment button. Initiate payment with Close Payment
125      */
126     InitSaleClosePayment,
127     /**
128      * Button. Split the bill
129      */
130     SplitTheBill,
131     /**
132      * Button. Download
133      */
134     Download,
135     /**
136      * SubKeyboard
137      */
138     SubKeyboard,
139     /**
140      * Numeric button. Button add 1 items of product to the sale.
141      */
142     Numeric1,
143     /**
144      * Numeric button. Button add 2 items of product to the sale.
145      */
146     Numeric2,
147     /**
148      * Numeric button. Button add 3 items of product to the sale.
149      */
150     Numeric3,
151     /**
152      * Numeric button. Button add 4 items of product to the sale.
153      */
154     Numeric4,
155     /**
156      * Numeric button. Button add 5 items of product to the sale.
157      */
158     Numeric5,
159     /**
160      * Numeric button. Button add 6 items of product to the sale.
161      */
162     Numeric6,
163     /**
164      * Numeric button. Button add 7 items of product to the sale.
165      */
166     Numeric7,
167     /**
168      * Numeric button. Button add 8 items of product to the sale.
169      */
170     Numeric8,
171     /**
172      * Numeric button. Button add 9 items of product to the sale.
173      */
174     Numeric9,
175     /**
176      * Numeric button. Button add 0 items of product to the sale.
177      */
178     Numeric0,
179     /**
180      * Makes all quantities counted as percent, i.e. you enter 25 it means '0,25'.
181      */
182     Numeric00,
183     /**
184      * Button. Means that the previously typed value is given in the final amount of money
185      */
186     CurrencyUnit,
187     /**
188      * Button. Means that the previously typed value is given in the product unit, such as number of products, kg, hg, hours or else.
189      */
190     ProductUnit,
191     /**
192      * Button. Allows to empty quantity
193      */
194     NumericReset,
195     /**
196      * Button. Allows to define decimal quantities
197      */
198     NumericDot,
199     /**
200      * Button. Allows to delete previous digit
201      */
202     NumericBackspace,
203     /**
204      * Label indicator, shows amount
205      */
206     NumericIndicator,
207     /**
208      * Button. Give discount to the whole payment (in percents)
209      */
210     PercentDiscount,
211     /**
212      * Button. Give discount to the whole payment (in values)
213      */
214     CurrencyDiscount,
215     /**
216      * Button. Send order to kitchen
217      */
218     SendOrder,
219     /**
220      * Get orders
221      */
222     GetOrders,
223     /**
224      * Indicator. This control shows total amount of sale.
225      */
226     SubtotalIndicator,
227     /**
228      * List. This control allows to search product by name or barcode.
229      */
230     ProductsSearchView,
231     /**
232      * List. This control allows to add product  from selected category to sale.
233      */
234     GroupsProductsViewHorizontal,
235     /**
236      * List. This control allows to add product  from selected category to sale.
237      */
238     GroupsProductsViewVertical,
239     /**
240      * List. This control allows to add product  from selected category to sale.
241      */
242     GroupsProductsTextView,
243     /**
244      * List. Shows
245      */
246     GridTablesView,
247     /**
248      * Network indicator. It shows green light if network connection is available and there are voucher in sale.
249      */
250     NetworkIndicator,
251     /**
252      * Button. Prints proforma for sale.
253      */
254     PrintProforma,
255     /**
256      * DIBSPayment
257      */
258     DIBSPayment,
259     /**
260      * Button. Cancels existing receipt
261      */
262     CancelReceipt,
263     /**
264      * Button. Create new sale
265      */
266     NewReceipt,
267     /**
268      * Button. Show list of unfinished sales
269      */
270     ListStartedReceipts,
271     /**
272      * Button. Show list of unfinished precepts
273      */
274     ListStartedPrecepts,
275     /**
276      * Button. Show print copy of receipt dialog.
277      */
278     PrintCopyReceipt,
279     /**
280      * Button. PointPayment
281      */
282     PointPayment,
283     /**
284      * Payment button. Initiate fast payment with cash
285      */
286     InitFastSaleCash,
287     /**
288      * Payment button. Initiate fast payment with bank card
289      */
290     InitFastSaleCard,
291     /**
292      * Payment button. Initiate fast payment with AirPay terminal
293      */
294     InitFastSaleAirpay,
295     /**
296      * View. Camera-based barcode scanner. Displays small viewfinder window to facilitate statement of the product in front of the camera.
297      */
298     HougeScanner,
299     /**
300      * Button. Defina table for sale
301      */
302     SetTable,
303     /**
304      * List. Shows ketchen precepts in a vertical view
305      */
306     PreceptsViewVertical,
307     /**
308      * List. Shows ketchen precepts in a horizontal view
309      */
310     PreceptsViewHorizontal
311 }